
Showing posts from August, 2017


What am I? Well I'm a lot of things, really. Amongst being very family oriented, I also enjoy playing the guitar, drawing, and just having a good time. I love my family through thick and thin. Although I may not have a large family, we're all pretty close, well, in hearts anyway. There's Mom and Dad, my brother, Andrew, and my two sisters, Nicole and Carrie. I also have three nieces and one nephew, Hartlyn, Camilla, Jocelyn, and Justin. I could go on and on about my family, but I suppose this is supposed to be about me. So, I do play guitar, and my three guitars are pictured above. I tend to play heavier music, hard rock, metal, and the like, and I love listening to anything with strong guitar, drums, and bass. When I say that I draw, I mean that I play around on Microsoft Paint on my computer. If I didn't have to write anything here, this post would be nothing but drawings I've made. And who knows, maybe I'll draw something for a later post. (About Me)

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