The Effects of Technology and Social Media In Our Lives

Technology and social media have played wondrous and magnificent roles in all of our lives. Although I've never personally been big in the social media trend, it still seems to find its way in my life, through friends, family and hey! even this assignment is injecting me with the toxic drug known as social media. And I use toxic drug in such an endearing way. You see, something that seems so minute, so insignificant and so ill-purposed is actually so much more. I'm about to use one of the most typical, overused analogies ever, so I'll apologize now. Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. are like icebergs. Something that you only see the top of, but once you hit it, you're done for. Next thing you know it's 4 hours later and you're wondering why you've decided to waste your life on this. I have a love hate relationship with, well I really only use Facebook, for this sole purpose alone. its amazing how captivating something so simple can be, and when you see the time you've lost, and mind you, you can't get that time back, it's nearly an instant regret. Wishing you could go back and use the time to do something more productive, like spending time with loved ones, solving world hunger, or this assignment, you sit in despair at all the missed opportunities. Well speaking of "this assignment", it was my job to view three Youtube videos, affectionately titled "Social Media Trends 2017""Did you know, in 2028...", and "Did You Know? -- These 2 minutes can change your life", and assess the message they are trying to convey. The first video above, was very abstract, fast paced, and rather confusing. The majority of the time, I found myself asking, "What does this all mean?" as the video seemed to go right over my head. If you don't pause the video when a caption or message pops up, it is unlikely that you will be able to read it in the time allotted. Also, the captions used didn't seem to make very much sense to me, and I feel it didn't do a good job of conveying its message. Video 2 was actually the most intriguing to me. It brought forth statistical based predictions on the way the world will look in the year 2028. It's an interesting concept to hear, but also rather unsurprising. Since 2028 is not actually that far away, the stats about humans, their ethnicity, and what language they speak is already true. The two that come to mind are that the majority of the population will be Indian, and although this may not be true right now, India's birth rates are so much higher than China's so it's something to expect in the next few years, and also that the most widely spoken language will be Chinese, surprise, surprise, it already is. Video 2 also expresses its thoughts on the advancement of technology in the near future, and in some of these cases, indicates it to be rather grim. Although its hard to tell how many of these will become true, as the world can be rather sporadic at times, the suggestions offered up by the video seem to hold some weight to them. Video 3 had a more subtle connection to the use of technology in our lives. While video 2 blatantly stated "here's what's going to happen in the future", video 3 just took small stabs by addressing the issue that man was not meant to sit for long periods of time. And while it can be brushed off that times have changed and sitting is now more of a requirement than an option, the video argues that how you sit is also important. Your posture can affect your looks, your oxygen intake, and your health. This video is bold enough to make statement like "bad posture can cause back problems". It's also not afraid to say that sitting with a bad posture makes you look fat. So, how is video 3 related to social media and technology? Is it related to technology at all? Well of course it is. Because chances are, you're reading this right now with bad posture. And I'm not talking to some vague, ethereal "you", I'm talking to you. So why don't you sit up a little? That looks really bad for your back.

There you go. That seems a little better. I'm glad you could stop by, and listen to me throw my opinion at you for the last 10 minutes. Why don't you throw some back, and tell me what you think? I'll talk to you real soon, in the next blog post!


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