Do Video Games REALLY cause violent tendencies?

It seems like as soon as gaming hit the mainstream, all the media could do is blame it for all of the worlds problems. video games have been used as a scapegoat for as long as I can remember, and it seems that whenever we have a tragedy done by a single individual, the "root problem" was they played video games too much. I've always hated this claim and found they have only circumstantial evidence to pin video games as a true cause of violence. This is probably the biggest case of coincidence does not equal correlation. I've always found video games to be a positive influence on my own life, and I have many fond experiences from them. it provided me great opportunities to hang out with friends, meet new people, and be able to pass the time in a fun and engaging way. One of the best feelings was rigging up to play a game with my best friend and playing a little 'Call of Duty' after we would get home from school, and yet we were not conspiring to start a school shooting as the media would've had you believe we were doing after the Columbine high school shooting. I didn't sit and fester in my own lonesome and depression as many would like to make you believe that someone who plays a shooter game would do. In fact, playing these games helped me escape the boring mundane reality I lived in, not to mention meeting some of the most amazing friends I know from all around the world. Another common misconception is that video games are a waste of time, although it's been proven that video games light a number of brain sensors and improve hand eye coordination. I feel that an oddly strong argument against the whole video games cause violence is to look at our past. Conquests in Eurasia hundreds of years ago, colonists versus Native Americans, and even the holocaust were horrible tragic events. and yet video games hadn't even been invented to cause such barbarities. I don't believe video games have ever been a cause of violence, and in modern days, the cause seems to lean toward social upbringing and mental disorders. The very rare and few instances that video games were "proven" to be a cause of violence were simply matches to gasoline. Something that occurred while playing ignited a rage that lie dormant for a long time, festering issues left unresolved. I find that in no case, have video games ever been the true root of the problem.

Do you think video games are the root of all evil? I'm glad you could stop by and hear me out on this one, as this is a subject I'm very passionate about, and I'll talk to you real soon, in the next blog post!


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