What is an Argument?

It's something we all do. For some of us, we can't get enough. Arguing. It's been around since before man knew how to even speak, back when caveman grunting was the hip, new thing. People fight over everything, what to do today, where we should go to eat, politics, the weather? Oh my! Everywhere you go, people are dueling it out, but not with swords or guns or knives, but with words. Arguing seems to be an inherent thing we humans do,but a big question is why do we argue? I mean can't we all just get along? The answer is no. People fight over literally everything. trying to list out how many different reasons people argue is like trying to list out all the shades of color that exist. Hint: it's impossible. Whether an issue is important or not people will argue over it because the sun rises. If one person has a viewpoint on a subject, then someone else has an opposing viewpoint and that's okay. It's our nature to argue with each other. If we didn't argue, we'd probably be sloths. Or some other really boring animal. This kind of makes me wish I would've put a picture of a sloth up there and not Adam Sandler and Jack Nicolson yelling at each other. But whats done is done. We're moving on! So secondly, what distinguishes arguing with just being Sandler and Nicolson. The whole thing, how you approach, the confrontation, word choice, and dialect all play key roles in how an argument is handled. The best way to contrast positive and negative arguments is to think of it situationally (that isn't a real word but for all intents and purposes, it's a word right now). a positive form of argument would be the most professional way I can think of, a lawyer defending his client, as opposed to a negative argument, two Americans arguing on whether or not Trump is actually their president or not. Now I'm not saying that positive and negative arguments are limited to these. I find that the extreme nature of the examples gets my point across. We can the break it down even further. Well, what even is an argument? An argument, at its simplest form, is two opposing views discussing their thoughts and ideas on a subject to try to convince the other or an audience on who's more right. How you go about having an argument is solely up to you. There's no right or wrong way to go about it. I personally choose to avoid arguments and simply will agree with someone to avoid confrontation with them regardless of what I truly believe.

What do you think about all this? how do you argue? Do you agree with me, because, if not, we might have an argument. Glad you could stop by and listen for a while, and I'll talk to you real soon, in the next blog post!


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