
Showing posts from September, 2017

Do Video Games REALLY cause violent tendencies?

It seems like as soon as gaming hit the mainstream, all the media could do is blame it for all of the worlds problems. video games have been used as a scapegoat for as long as I can remember, and it seems that whenever we have a tragedy done by a single individual, the "root problem" was they played video games too much. I've always hated this claim and found they have only circumstantial evidence to pin video games as a true cause of violence. This is probably the biggest case of coincidence does not equal correlation. I've always found video games to be a positive influence on my own life, and I have many fond experiences from them. it provided me great opportunities to hang out with friends, meet new people, and be able to pass the time in a fun and engaging way. One of the best feelings was rigging up to play a game with my best friend and playing a little 'Call of Duty' after we would get home from school, and yet we were not conspiring to start a schoo

What is an Argument?

It's something we all do. For some of us, we can't get enough. Arguing. It's been around since before man knew how to even speak, back when caveman grunting was the hip, new thing. People fight over everything, what to do today, where we should go to eat, politics, the weather? Oh my! Everywhere you go, people are dueling it out, but not with swords or guns or knives, but with words. Arguing seems to be an inherent thing we humans do,but a big question is why do we argue? I mean can't we all just get along? The answer is no. People fight over literally everything. trying to list out how many different reasons people argue is like trying to list out all the shades of color that exist. Hint: it's impossible. Whether an issue is important or not people will argue over it because the sun rises. If one person has a viewpoint on a subject, then someone else has an opposing viewpoint and that's okay. It's our nature to argue with each other. If we didn't argu

The Effects of Technology and Social Media In Our Lives

Technology and social media have played wondrous and magnificent roles in all of our lives. Although I've never personally been big in the social media trend, it still seems to find its way in my life, through friends, family and hey! even this assignment is injecting me with the toxic drug known as social media. And I use toxic drug in such an endearing way. You see, something that seems so minute, so insignificant and so ill-purposed is actually so much more. I'm about to use one of the most typical, overused analogies ever, so I'll apologize now. Social media, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. are like icebergs. Something that you only see the top of, but once you hit it, you're done for. Next thing you know it's 4 hours later and you're wondering why you've decided to waste your life on this. I have a love hate relationship with, well I really only use Facebook, for this sole purpose alone. its amazing how captivating something so simple can b